Fashionable Feet Slave

A public feet slave humbly kisses feet on a fashionable, seaside street in the Indian quarter of Femina - the Gynarchy's second largest city

This is all he does all day and all night - every day and every night...

...kiss the feet of passers-by!

He's just one of the Gynarchy's many street-corner feet slaves!

The public love using him!

It makes them feel strong and special to have their feet kissed by an inferior!

Nobody blinks an eyelid at this everyday scene. Life just carries on around him...

...whilst he tastes, and smells, his betters' footwear!

He gets a good view of their SOCKS!

He dare not look up at his customers' LEGS!

His role is to look down at their FEET!

Whilst they look down on him!

Eventually, the young woman walks away feeling justifiably pleased with herself

Triumphant, in fact!

For she knows she is better than the slave. After all, he's just been required to kiss her FEET!

For his humble part, he too knows that he is inferior to this bright young woman

He is lower even than her SOCKS!

He's just a SLAVE!

Well might he bow his humble head in SHAME behind her departing SNEAKERS!


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