Modesty Forbids

Modesty forbids me, a mere slave, from looking up above this demurely-dressed customer mistress’s sock tops as I kiss respect her sneakers.

Indeed, both modesty and the Law prohibit me from ever looking above my customers' socks!

I'm just a footslave, and must remember my place!

And that place is kissing my superiors' feet and admiring their socks!

I mean, anyone can see that this superb customer-mistress's demure sock is better than me?

I am not fit to even breathe in the same air as her socks!

I'm just garbage - worth less than her socks!

No wonder the wearer of the socks looks down upon me with righteous contempt!

I am forbidden by Law to even think about her above the socks!

My humbling view of the SOCK in front of my face...

...and the individual stitches in said SOCK!

Socks!... Socks!... Socks!... Socks!... SOCKS!...

...My customer's SOCKS!

All is SOCK...

...and SOCK is all!


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