Better Things To Think About

This superb customer-mistress has better things to think about than the slave currently lickshining her platform boots beneath her white socktops. The slave, on the other hand, can think of nothing else! 

She's thinking of much higher and better things than the slave... what to have for her dinner tonight!

Only the slave is mentally and physically fixated on her platform boots...

...and her SOCKS above those boots!

He is pondering the pattern in the STITCHING of her WHITE SOCKTOPS... befits a public footslave serving his customer-mistress!

To him, her SOCKS are things of GREATNESS!

He can't think of anything else for his menial mind to be preoccupied with - other than his pretty customer's BOOTS and SOCKS!

Her SOCKS!... Her SOCKS!...

...Her BOOTS!



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