Eavesdropping Part 1

Here’s a bit of a treat for you all – a story written by regular reader ‘Lowest of the Low’. Enjoy, and please remember to provide him with feedback in the form of star ratings and comments. Or, if you prefer, email me your comments and I will forward them on to him.

Eavesdropping Part 1

By Lowest of the Low

It appeared to be yet another stunningly bright, sunny day in the Gynarchy of Barbaria. Well, from what I could tell anyway from my limited view inside my drain prison.

I was guessing it was around mid morning due to the fact that the footfall above me had just increased as a lot of the office workers would come down for a smoking break and walk over the top of me to go and get a bite to eat and a coffee from the various cafes located around the city centre. It was also a good time for me too, since the increase in foot traffic meant I would also be getting 'a bite to eat' as well. Unfortunately, though, my 'bite to eat' wouldn't be consisting of any of the delicious cakes and savouries my betters were about to be tucking into. No, that would just be ridiculous! Instead my mid morning smoker’s break usually involved whatever treats would inadvertently fall from the bottoms of their shoes as they nonchalantly walked over the top of me on their way to their favourite eatery.

On a good day, and especially after it had just been raining, I'd get a slave’s smorgasbord of dead leaves, mixed in with bits of small sticks and grass that I can then wash down with drops of muddy rainwater. Sadly though, for me and my very hungry stomach, it hadn't rained for quite a number of days so the dirt and grime that I rely on for sustenance just hadn't been sticking to the bottoms of my betters’ shoes although, in saying that, I am still getting just enough dried street dirt, cigarette ash and small pebbles to survive on, so I'm probably just being greedy and only selfishly thinking of myself yet again!

While in my drain I can also hear the distant hum of chatter coming from the nearby cafes as people happily catch up with friends, and work colleagues discuss business over a coffee. However, the chatter is not usually loud enough for me to hear exactly what's being said, which I guess is a good thing since it's none of my slave business anyway!

Nevertheless, I am ashamed to admit that I am able to hear, and quite often do listen in, to full conversations of the masters or mistresses who happen to be standing in the direct vicinity of my drain, which truth be told actually happens very frequently since a lot of the office workers like to stand around my prison and use it as an ashtray. Although it isn't just the office workers that like to stand there to have a smoke while flicking the ash through the grill of my drain and down onto my trapped face. No, one of the regulars who has just happened to stop by now is none other than security guard mistress Aneka madam.

From what I've managed to pick up from her regular smoking visits she appears to be a very sociable and naturally outgoing young woman, who always enjoys having a friendly chat with anyone who happens to be walking past, although needless to say that only applies to the free citizens and definitely not to any lowlife slave who she instead treats with complete and utter contempt.

On this occasion, though, it happened to be one of her well known friends, Mistress Samantha, who was walking past on her way to the supermarket, that mistress Aneka began having a catch up chat with.

Being a lowly drain slave/ashtray in the middle of the busy town square does actually come with a few perks, one of which is that I'm always up with the latest gossip and goings on in the Gynarchy, even though I really know I shouldn't be listening in to my betters’ conversations and instead should be focusing solely on their footwear as they stand over me. However, most of the time, I simply just can't help myself!

This time was definitely no exception, especially since Mistress Aneka always has plenty of gossip and enthralling stories to tell, so I couldn't help but eavesdrop as she began talking to Mistress Samantha about her overtime shift she did last evening at the very exclusive Gynarchy Country Club:

“Well Samantha, I'd just finished my normal shift and was about to head off home when the security office phone starts to ring. At first I didn't think anything of it, and thought it was just another routine call, but that changed as soon as I heard Judy our receptionist mention the name Lady Cordelia. You know who she is, don't you Sam?”

Samantha then nodded:

“I sure do! She's only one of the richest ladies in the whole of the Gynarchy! What I wouldn't give to have just a fraction of the money she has!”

“Yeah, that's right, Sam. I wish! Well, anyway, you know how she also owns the exclusive country club up on the hills by Windermere estate? Well, apparently the slave overseer up there, who I've heard is simply known as 'Brutus', injured himself whipping an unruly slave, so they needed someone at short notice to fill in for the evening. So they offered to pay me overtime with a nice big bonus at the end of the night if I accepted the job. So really it was an offer I couldn't refuse! Plus, I've always been curious to see how the other half live!”

“Wow, lucky you Aneka! So what was it like when you got up there?”

“Well, as soon as they let me in through the security gate, and I drove up to the big estate, one of the first things I saw were two slaves that were languishing outside in the stocks. They were almost naked apart from the usual white slave shorts, of course, and both seemed to be shivering from the cold winter’s evening. However, what struck me the most was the placement of the stocks. The slaves were directly facing what appeared to be a large, lounge room window, while on the other side of the window I could see a few of the ladies standing around in the warmth of the lounge with what looked like glasses of champagne, laughing at the shivering slaves outside!...

...So, after witnessing that amusing scene I gave the doorbell a ring and waited a few more moments until the maid answered. Then, after introducing myself, I asked the maid about the slaves being punished outside in the stocks, but that just made her laugh as she told me they weren't actually being punished for anything! The ladies lock them out there for the night purely for their own entertainment; that's why they have a light shining directly above the stocks so they can watch and laugh at them from inside the warmth and comfort of the lounge area, while the slaves instead shiver and shake outside in the cold!

The maid then admitted to me that when she's serving the ladies drinks in the lounge she often looks out at them herself, because on really bitterly cold nights they start pulling funny faces and frantically try to move around in the stocks in a vain attempt at keeping warm, and apparently, she said, it's really hilarious to watch!

She also had a big grin on her face while she was telling me, so I was thinking that it must be a pretty funny sight to see! Plus she also pointed out that to make things even worse for the slaves, they also have the added torment of being able to look in and watch the ladies laughing at their suffering as they instead relax in comfort in front of the warm open fire while eating delicious foods and drinking champagne. So it's certainly all very amusing. Well, I guess for the ladies it is, anyway!...”,
Ms Aneka madam said with a smile and a laugh.

“…But anyway, the maid then asked me to follow her inside so she could take me to Lady Cordelia. But first she politely asked me to wipe my feet on the doormat slave before I stepped in. That's when I looked down and saw the ugly upturned face of the doormat slave almost directly below my boots!

It looked like he'd been a doormat for quite some time too, since his face was all torn up and had pockmarks from all the different shoe treads that had been scraped along it. There also seemed to be quite a lot of dirt, that the slave wasn't quite able to reach with his mouth and tongue, stuck all over his face, so he must have had quite a bit of use throughout the day! However, that's when the maid also looked down and noticed all of the dirt on his ugly face, and began cursing at him for allowing his face to get so dirty, even though in reality there wasn't anything he could do about it since his face was firmly secured in the doorway floor while the rest of his body was trapped out of sight. But still, he was creating more work for her, so I don't really blame her for being angry!

She then politely asked if I'd be so kind as to step to the side for a brief moment while she grabbed a broom and gave the doormat a quick sweep? So I stepped to the side as she bought out a broom that had extremely hard and sharp looking straw bristles on it, which she lowered down onto the slave’s gormless, upturned face and began giving it a vigorous sweeping which must have been excruciatingly painful, especially after seeing all of the nasty scratches it was leaving on his face! I'm also sure I heard the slave let off a few quiet groans of pain while she was doing it, but from what I could tell it looked like he knew better than to make any loud noises, or even stupidly beg for mercy. So he just very quietly whimpered as she was doing it...

...Then, as soon as the dirt was gone, she apologised to me for the inconvenience, and said she'd make sure the slave would be severely punished for allowing that to happen! So I told her that it was quite alright, and asked if she wanted me to punish the slave, since that's what I was being hired to do? But she said that Lady Cordelia had more important jobs for me instead, and that she would tell Master Brutus tomorrow, once he's all rested up from his sprained wrist, and that he would happily deal with it! I also noticed her glance down at the doormat slave when she mentioned Master Brutus's name, so she could enjoy the look of complete fear in the doormat-slave’s eyes!

She then motioned for me to wipe my boots across his face, which I wasted no time in doing, while also making sure I did a few extra hard scrapes so that I got every last bit of dirt and grime off the treads and didn't inadvertently put any of the filth onto the estate’s expensive carpets! Then, once my bootsoles were clean, I followed the maid inside so I could find out exactly what jobs Lady Cordelia had in store for me!...”

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