
Inspired by the story ‘Nose-Topping’, here is an absolutely brilliant fantasy by regular reader ‘Lowest of the low’. Please provide him with plenty of feedback by giving it a star rating and/or leaving a comment. Thank you!


By Lowest of the low

I had just finished observing off-duty, security-guard Ms Aneka madam with her frilly white ankle socks walking over the top of my drain prison. I knew her by name since she would regularly walk over the top of me due to her job of patrolling the streets and would often stop directly above my drain to have a conversation with some of the free citizens of the Gynarchy, and it was through these conversations that I was able to pickup on who she was.  Although I do realise I shouldn't have been eavesdropping on my betters’ conversations since they are not meant for my unworthy slave ears and I probably deserve a good hard whipping for doing so!

Luckily, though, almost every master and mistress that walks over the top of me during the day and night completely ignores me, probably not even realising I'm down here. So most of the time they are unaware that I can hear every word that they're saying.

However it was the sight of Ms Aneka madam’s frilly white socks that had reminded me of a cruel mistress, who during my footslave days, would often come and visit me after I'd been sentenced to yet another long stint in the town’s public kneeling stocks. This was back in the days before the female authorities had completely given up all hope on me as a footslave and they thought, with good intention, that a nice hard whipping along with a lengthy spell in the stocks would help fix all of my inadequacies as a footslave. 

However, punish me as they might, and they definitely did, I was simply too stupid and incompetent to ever be a good footslave and in the end they decided I just couldn't be trusted with the task of maintaining and worshipping my betters’ socks and footwear, so that was when they locked me away for good in my drain. But anyway I digress.

As I was saying a cruel mistress, who I'm sure went by the name of Mistress Jenny, used to come and visit me along with her very manly and muscle bound boyfriend, Master Tim, while I was languishing in the town’s stocks. Master Tim always brought along his favourite bullwhip, while Mistress Jenny would always wear the same sort of frilly socks much like the ones Ms Aneka madam was wearing.

Master Tim would always warn me first about the consequences of disrespecting his girlfriend’s footwear before holding his fearsome looking whip right up in front of my face. After laying down the law, he would then disappear out of sight behind me while Mistress Jenny would stand directly in front of my trapped face and place one of her frilly socks directly under my nose and demand that I begin 'nose topping' it.

However, as soon as I'd begin, she would immediately start moving the frills around under my nose, backwards and forwards, up and down, in what was a very cruel, but highly amusing game for her. Unfortunately for me, though, I have a very sensitive nose which I think was one of the reasons she would always single me out for this devious game instead of some of the other slaves that were being punished in the stocks. Nine times out of ten she would be able to make me sneeze within a minute, while also laughing at the ridiculous faces I would be pulling in a vain attempt at stifling my urge to sneeze. 

On the very rare occasions I was able to use all of my willpower to hold my sneeze in, she would then resort to her very simple but always fool proof backup plan where she would carry around with her a small container of pepper that she would lightly sprinkle over the tops of the frills before placing them back under my nose and demanding that I loudly sniff them where the pepper had just been sprinkled. Almost instantly I would be forced into an uncontrollable sneezing fit and this is where Master Tim, and his menacing bullwhip, would take over. Mistress Jenny would begin screaming at me for disrespecting her footwear by sneezing on them. Her angry screams would usually attract the attention from passers-by who would also begin shouting at me and demand that I be punished for such a serious transgression.

Tim, in his manly voice, would then say:

"Don't worry sweetheart, I'll see to it that this disrespectful cretin is rightfully punished. I'll make certain he pays dearly for what he just did!", much to the delight of Mistress Jenny as well as some of the other swooning mistresses standing around admiring master Tim's manliness.

Unfortunately for me, though, the only swooning I was about to be receiving was going to be from Master Tim's fearsome whip as it swooned over my naked and helpless back! Plus, to make matters even worse still, because of his location directly behind me I couldn't tell when the agonizing blows from the whip would strike, so I was unable to brace myself for the impact. Master Tim would deliberately strike me at random times so I couldn't guess when the blows would hit me. However this just created more of a spectacle for everyone else watching, as they'd laugh at me pulling ridiculous faces when I thought a blow was about to come down and I tried to prepare myself for the impact.

Thankfully, though, every so often I'd get a brief reprieve, as Master Tim would stop and then order me to start begging his girlfriend for forgiveness, which usually involved a lot of frantic kissing of her black ballet flat shoes which she would automatically shove in front of my pleading lips. Unfortunately, though, no matter how much I begged, pleaded and kissed the end result was always still the same, as she'd say the dreaded words:

“I don't know, honey. I don't think he's really that sorry. Looks to me like he hasn't quite learnt his lesson yet, so you better get back to whipping him some more!” 

Tim would then simply reply:

Whatever you say, babe.”
Then, much to my disappointment, the whipping would commence once again although this was much to the delight of all the spectators watching! He would then be spurred on by Mistress Jenny who would say things like:

“That's it babe, whip him nice and hard!” and “Teach this pathetic loser a lesson he'll never forget!”

Eventually, though, there was only so much pain I could take, so near the end of the relentless onslaught I would be in so much agony I would simply pass out. However, Mistress Jenny was always one step ahead and would also bring with her some smelling salts which would instantly wake me up again, so I would be able to feel all of the pain caused by her heroic boyfriend! Master Tim would then triumphantly walk back around to the front of the stocks and into the loving embrace of his girlfriend who would wrap her arms tightly around him, while also receiving some envious stares from a few of the other mistresses who were wishing it was theythat were in his loving embrace instead!

It was then she would thank him for being such a great boyfriend, while also looking down at me with disgust and saying in a mocking tone of voice:

"I hope you've learnt your lesson, slave, but just to be sure I think me and Timmy might have to pay you a little visit again tomorrow! And don't worry, I'll be sure to wear the exact same frilly socks that I'm wearing today, plus I'll be wearing them to the gym this afternoon so by tomorrow they're going to be even smellier! So I think next time, to start off with, I'm going to make you sniff the sweaty soles first before we slowly work our way up to the frills once again. How does that sound, slave?"

Meanwhile all I could do was painfully stare up at the happy couple, and let out an agonising groan which made them both laugh before walking away to enjoy the rest of their day with satisfied looks on their happy and free faces.

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