Wheelside Seat

The local populace heartily approve of the pubic work-wheel punishment of slaves, and often gather around to watch a slave being worked and punished on the wheel.

Here, for example, we see a small crowd of onlookers all very much enjoying the spectacle of a slave being worked hard on the wheel by his shouty, whippy taskmistress! One young woman has even managed to secure a wheelside seat, so she can sit in comfort, fanning herself, whilst the elderly slave must work. See too how she is pointing out her white bootsocks to him. That must surely add to his humiliation and discomfort – knowing that such a nice pair of socks are so near, and yet so far, from his menial mouth!

Another young woman has ‘gate-crashed’ the scene seemingly to give the slave a piece of her mind! She is pointing at him and shouting at him – berating him; not because she has a personal grudge against him (she does not know him from Adam), but simply because he is a slave, and it is her right to shout at him and revile him. Indeed, some would say it is her public duty to do so!

Meanwhile a quieter, young woman is enjoying a cigarette behind the fence (where the public, by rights, should be!) whist simultaneously revelling in the slave’s exhaustion, helplessness and suffering. If he has the strength to look over he will observe that she too is wearing socks inside her boots – only grey socks, as opposed to white socks. It's her boots that are white! I wonder which combination the slave prefers on a mistress - white boots with grey socks; or black boots with white socks?

No that his personal preferences matter much, though. He must admire and resprect the boot and sock combinations of all his superior mistresses. And I expect he likes both equally, in any case! Ha! Ha!

And speaking of socks, at the other end of the fence stands a young, blonde woman wearing pale blue socks inside her red sneakers. Her handsome man friend is standing protectively next to her, and they are both laughing at the slave, as well they might. For he is a public laughing stock, working hard in his seventies whilst they are all young and relaxed. The whip shall never sting their backs, and most likely they shall never have to lift a finger to do any manual labour, since they can always have a slave do it for them. And in the meantime they can enjoy watching this elderly fool perform his entirely nugatory work under pain of the whip.

Yes, life is good in the Gynarchy – if you are a free citizen. If you are a slave, you must work and be whipped! That's the Law!

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