Mockery in the Rockery

Goddess prison-visitor mistress miss Karen madam has today decided to visit the elderly rock-scrubber slave in the Gynarchy’s infamous rock quarry, known colloquially as ‘The Rockery’. There is nothing she loves more than watching tired and exhausted slaves engaging in nugatory hard labour under the glare of the unrelenting sun and the sting of his taskmistresses’ whips.

The chief taskmistress – bespectacled miss Aneka madam – invites their guest to beat the toiling slave herself with a whip, but miss Karen madam says she’s a bit out of breath having climbed all the way up to the rockery in the blistering heat (even though, you will note, she has a pretty parasol to protect her from the worst ravages of the sun!), so she will content herself with mere verbal mockery of the slave, if that’s alright?

The chief taskmistress says of course it is!

Ms Karen madam then crouches down next to the slave’s sweating face, and begins by asking him how he is liking it, having to scrub clean the Gynarchy’s dirty rocks for no other reason than that the Female State demands it? The exhausted prisoner-slave somehow finds the strength, and the presence of mind, to thank the visiting civilian mistress for kindly taking the time out of her busy, female schedule in order to visit him at his place of work, and then humbly assures the mocking mistress that he does like it, but not thatmuch, as his shoulders are aching and his back is sore and sunburnt, if the mistress would be so kind and understanding to a lowly work-slave such as he?

Mistress Karen madam laughs at him, and his obsequious response (a sycophantic and toadying response generated, no doubt, by the nearby presence of his two taskmistresses’ whips), before telling him that it’s all very well him liking his job, even if he doesn’t like it all that much, but that doesn’t mean he is actually any good at it! She then kindly points out that he has missed a bit, and enjoins him to scrub thoroughly the unattended patch of dirty rock, or else she will ‘report’ him to his taskmistresses for dereliction of duty!

The two pretty taskmistresses are, of course, already well aware of her allegation, being within earshot, and have both made a mental note to punish the slacking slave later! 

Meanwhile the slave apologises most profusely to the visiting mistress-madam, and seeks to rectify his mistake by immediately scrubbing the aforementioned area of rock which he has so wantonly neglected to clean!

Miss Karen madam makes a suggestion to the two Female-State appointed taskmistresses that they should perhaps require the slave to lick-polish the rocks with his tongue, after he has scrubbed them with his scrubbing brush, so that the female rocks are looking their very best when he eventually finishes his task of rock cleaning (the rocks are, of course, ‘female’ because they belong to the Gynarchy). The two taskmistresses gigglingly agree, though the one on the left, miss Anna madam, politely informs the visiting guest that the slave has been sentenced to scrub rocks for the rest of his natural life, so there is no end to his toil in sight. She further explains that they fully expect him to live for at least another 10 years, for they don’t believe he’s actually as old as he looks; he’s just had a hard life – of hard labour!. However, she can see no reason why he shouldn’t be made to ‘lickshine’ each individual rock after he has finished scrubbing it.  Her colleague, miss Aneka madam, eagerly concurs!

Visitor-mistress miss Karen madam then steps back from the kneeling slave as she is concerned that her pretty parasol is providing some shade for the slave from the sun – and in her eyes that just won’t do, since he must be made to sweat! Speaking of sweat, as she steps back from him, the slave is acutely aware that he is now surrounded by the shoes and socks of three superior women, all of whom have absolute power over him – the fully-uniform-compliant, neatly pulled up, plain black socks of junior taskmistress miss Anna madam; the not-so-uniform-compliant and somewhat crooked and twisted, blue and red stripy socks of senior taskmistress miss Aneka madam; and, of course, the creased, thick white bootsocks of visitor-mistress miss Karen madam.

Sockery in the rockery! 

Oh how he wishes he could drink of their combined, feminine sock sweat, for his mouth is truly dry and parched! 

As the three superior ladies continue to look down on him, what the stupid, thirsty slave doesn’t know is that miss Aneka madam, fired up by the sights and sounds of the guest-mistress’s verbal mockery of the prisoner-slave, has decided to give him 50 harsh lashes at the end of this day’s toil, for his having missed that bit of rock the first time round!

But that is hours away yet, for the slave is only 6 hours into his 18 hour shift. He still has lots more rock-rubbing to do, and further mockery to endure, before being ‘rewarded’ for his day’s efforts with the burning, biting sting of Ms Aneka’s whip!

What do you think, though? Should the two taskmistresses kindly take off their sweaty socks before they go home to their respective warm and comfortable beds tonight, and shove them inside the work-slave’s mouth so that he has something tart and vinegary to quench his selfish thirst until morning? Or do you think he doesn’t deserve such a treat, being such a lazy and incompetent, not to say impudent, rock-scrubber?

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