At The Mercy of Ms Mukta
My lips tremble, my mouth turns dry, and I start to perspire whenever I see the boots and socks of regular customer-mistress Ms Mukta approaching my private footbooth. For I know she has extremely high standards when it comes to having her boots respectfully kissed, and that she just loves having me at the mercy of her boots and socks. I mean, all she has to do to hurt me is to kick me in the face!
But, having said that, Ms Mukta is nothing if not fair, and providing I convey sufficient footslavish humility and respect towards her boots, via my lowly lips, she will, in all probability, not hurt me. Plus, I shall have the added bonus of observing a beautiful, young Asian woman’s plain, light grey cotton bootsocks at ultra-close quarters. So it’s not all bad news when I see her walking confidently towards me!
Unlike when I see her walking away from me, for although she may put the fear of the goddess into me, I do appreciate and crave her occasional presence in my footbooth, since it is an honour and a privilege for the likes of me to serve a great and good Gynarchy girl like this! To be so close to the socks of a Gynarchy girl like this is an honour in and of itself, let alone having the inestimable privilege of actually touching her boots with one’s sad, menial mouth!