Bright & Intelligent

Miss Wei Foo certainly knows how to treat a public footslave! Here we see her haughtily barking down her orders at the helpless oaf. She is telling him that he must lickshine her black leather boots from bottom to top, but he mustn’t even inadvertently touch her orange socks, or she will have him taken out of his wall and soundly whipped!

Even though he is frightened of her, the slave is sorry to see her go, as her boots may taste vile but they are nevertheless very powerful boots, being the boots of a bright and intelligent, young woman – much more bright and intelligent than him. He is honoured to be in their presence.

Meanwhile Ms Wei Foo madam looks decidedly grumpy as she walks away from the slave – leaving him behind in the dirt. But internally she is actually ecstatic, as there is nothing she likes more than to walk away from a slave with either the sting of her whip on his back, or the taste of her muddy boots in his mouth. She is better than him and she knows it. 

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