Sub's Bench

Here we see a lowly park-bench slave kneeling in the dirt and dutifully studying the backs of the boots and socks of a bright and beautiful, young woman as she is preoccupied with her mobile phone.

Points to note about this scene:

·        The young woman seated on the bench has deliberately chosen to sit directly in front of the park-bench slave’s face. She is only vaguely aware of his presence, and certainly doesn’t care about him, but she knows it is an honour for the likes of him to be able to study her boots and socks, and so she has kindly elected to position herself where he can easily see them.
·        Note how the slave’s humble head is trapped between bars. His neck must be stiff and sore, yet he is fully focussed, as a slave should be, on his female better’s footwear. I expect he is studying the creases in her socks.
·        Meanwhile another bright and beautiful young woman is jogging past him. No doubt the slave would relish the opportunity to study her white running sneakers and short black anklesocks too, but she is not stopping; so he remains focussed on the brown boots and grey socks of the black girl seated above him.
·        Note, however, the dirt on the pretty jogger-girl’s white sneakersole. That’s dirt which, by rights, should really be on the park bench slave’s tongue and inside his menial mouth. I expect he is hungry for it, but he will have to instead make do with the mere sight of the jogger-girl’s sneakersole dirt – as, indeed, he must make do with the sight of the beautiful black girl’s bootsole dirt. Public footslaves can’t be choosers and are at the tender mercies of all who encounter them. So let’s just laugh at him in his stiff-necked frustration and humble hunger pangs. He’s nothing but a sad loser – on the sub’s bench!

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