
Miss Wei Foo is about to have her slave whipped by her strong and powerful friend, Ms Karen madam. Here we see Miss Wei Foo verbally admonishing her slave at the whipping post, and giving him a piece of her Chinese mind. And the reason for her ire? One of her bright orange bootsocks has slipped down and is now lower than the other, causing her socks to look untidy and uneven.

She could, of course, simply bend down and straighten her socks, but she regards that as being an everyday task that is beneath her. It is her slave who is responsible for the tidiness of her socks, and he has singularly failed – so he must be whipped.

Ha! Ha! He’ll soon wish he had paid more care and attention to his mistress’s socks. Whip him, Wei Foo! Have him flogged! Teach him a lesson he’ll never forget, and make him rue the day he neglected your socks on your pretty legs!

And afterwards, when he has been released from the whipping post and is down on his hands and knees in the dirt before you, blubbering over your beautiful black leather boots, make him straighten your orange socks with his kneeling nose, before having him nose-top your friend Ms Karen’s dark nylon kneesocks as a gesture of gratitude towards her for whipping him so soundly (for we all know Ms Karen is an excellent whipper!)

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