Train Slave's Report (ii)

Here is another humble report from the pathetic, on-board train slave:

Gynarchy Railways
Onboard Footwear Admirer’s Report

Date: 08/09/17

Service: 09:30 Femina – Barbaria

Compartment no. A    Seat No  A

Slave no: 78563Y

Customer Description: Asian Female; believed Chinese; early to mid twenties

1.       Sir, if it pleases you sir, this slave has the honour of presenting an humble report on his slavish observations on the aforementioned service.
2.       Sir, this slave had the inestimable privilege of observing the black and white, velcro-fastening sneakers and plain, grey anklesocks of an esteemed customer-mistress in her early to mid twenties whom he believes may have been Chinese, sir, based on the conversation the bright and intelligent, young woman was having on her phone high above him, sir. Sir, this slave is stupid sir, and does not speak any foreign languages, so he cannot be sure he is correct in his identification of the oriental language sir. Pray forgive me, sir. Please don’t have me beaten, sir.
3.       Sir, the esteemed customer-mistress’s black and white sneakers were rather dirty and grimy sir, with evidence of ingrained street dirt. This slave duly studied the dirt on the back of the young woman’s sneakers, sir, as he was afforded a good view of said dirt thanks to the young woman being seated with her sneakered feet crossed over at the ankles, sir. Sir, this slave cannot be sure as to the provenance of said sneaker-dirt, but believes it was merely the everyday dirt and grime which inevitably affixes itself to a young woman’s sneakers as she goes about her daily business, sir. Sir, this slave regrets that he was unable to taste any of the dirt, sir, due to the grille in front of his face, sir, if you would be so kind and understanding, sir?
4.       Sir, but the greatest honour for this dirty slave, sir, was undoubtedly that of being able to partially observe the bright young woman’s plain grey anklesocks, sir, thanks to the slight raising of her jean-hems, sir. Sir, truly this slave was blessed with the sight of sock on both the customer’s ankles, sir – socks which barely covered the shapeliness and curvature of the esteemed customer-mistress’s feminine anklebones, sir. Sir, the stitching in the sock over her right ankle in particular sir, the one closest to the slave’s face, was stretched and curved in a most satisfactory manner, sir, reminding the slave that it was the sock of a beautiful, young woman, sir, and thus the sock of his superior. Sir, this train-slave fully acknowledges that he was not worthy to be in the intimate presence of such a sock, sir, and is duly humbled by his position of such lowly privilege sir, thanking you kindly most kind sir.
5.       Sir, this slave regrets to have to report that he also caught an inadvertent, and unsolicited, glimpse of the esteemed customer-mistress’s bare ankleskin above her right sock, sir. Sir, this slave knows there can be no excuses for such lecherous wantonness on the part of the slave, and that he must be punished for such footslavish impropriety. Sir, this slave merely begs the master-sir for mercy, sir, and that the whip lashes be restrained and of only moderate strength, sir, since this slave truly fears the sting of your almighty whip, sir, if you would be so kind and understanding to a helpless and weak slave at your mercy, sir?
6.       Sir, this slave’s encounter with the esteemed, Asian customer-mistress was regrettably brief as she only travelled two stops, sir, so this slave prays for your forgiveness for the comparative brevity of this humble report, sir. Sir, I know that I must be whipped for my indiscretion referred to in paragraph 5 above, sir, and my back is braced and ready for your whip, sir.
7.       Sir, this slave submits this report in accordance with Section 6.2.3a of the Gynarchy Railways Footslave Regulations, sir. I remain your obedient servant, sir.

Supervisor's comments: 50 lashes awarded for staring at the customer-mistress’s bare ankleflesh, plus a further 10 lashes for the lack of detail contained in this report about the customer’s socks.

I think you’ll agree that this impertinent, on board train-slave fully deserved his 60 lashes? I mean, his job is quite simple, really. Even a dumbass slave should be able to do it! All he has to do is to silently and discreetly study and admire the backs of his customers’ shoes and/or boots, and their socks if visible, and then write a report on them. He is NOT permitted, or required, to look at their bare heels or ankles. Indeed, the more I think of it, the more I believe he should have been awarded 100 lashes! One can but hope that, despite the footslave’s pathetic whining and pleading, his supervisor master-sir did not hold back from laying on the whip lashes with all his masculine might! Shame on this slave for being so weak – both in his inability to concentrate on his pretty customer’s socks andin his inability to withstand a harsh flogging!

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