What Was She Thinking?

What do you think this bright and intelligent, young Asian woman was thinking when she got dressed this morning?

·         Was she thinking ‘I must put my white socks on with my sneakers today because I’ll be visiting the public footslave later this evening, and I want him to see my nice, white socks’?
·         Or, was she thinking ‘I don’t give a damn what colour of socks I wear today with my sneakers’?
·         Or, was she not thinking about her choice of socks at all this morning, as she probably had much more important things on her busy, female mind?

Shall I tell you what I think? I think she knew exactly what she was doing when she chose to wear white socks with her sneakers today, because I think she deliberately wanted to add to my footslavish humiliation, by forcing me to study her white, feminine socks on her shapely, Asian ankles whilst I tongueshine her dirty, street-soiled sneaker soles. Look at how this young woman is even directing my tongue via verbal abuse, as she angrily calls me an ‘ignoramus’ in her cute, Chinese-girl accent as I have allegedly ‘missed a bit’, and rolls her foot to one side in order to give my tongue greater purchase on the dirty treads of her sneaker sole. This young woman leaves nothing to chance, and her choice of sockwear was designed to humble me even further, as her white sock emphasises her femininity and consequent superiority over me.

I do feel duly humbled as she eventually walks away from me – all the more so when the local voyeur master-sir pokes me in the eye with his walking stick (as is his perfect right) and asks me whether I feel no shame, having to lick the dirty sneaker soles of a beautiful, young woman with bright, orange hair and to observe her white socks whilst I am doing so? He too calls me a fool. And rightly so.

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