Nerdy Girl

On Hookers’ Hill the nerdy girl commands the public footslave to lickshine her dirty sneakers, ably supported by her manly boyfriend, and with the smiling approval of a passing cardinal.

The slave likes to think to himself that, in another world, he could have been the boyfriend of a girl like this. But he is, of course, delusional. There is no other world, and this bright and intelligent young woman is not his friend. She is his public master – like everyone else; and like everyone else she walks nonchalantly away from him, without a care in the world for him. He means nothing to her. He is just another anonymous humble head – one of thousands scattered throughout the city. No wonder she only has eyes for her handsome boyfriend as she walks away from the slave, leaving the latter with the bittersweet taste of her white-rubbery sneaker dirt in his menial mouth.

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