Seat of Power

Here we see a slave being publicly flogged at the feet of his pretty mistress in front of an enthusiastic crowd of onlookers. There’s a lot going on in this scene, so let’s examine it bit by bit:
  • The first thing we notice is that the slave’s mistress is seated in a high chair of power in front of the whipping post, such that her sneakered feet are resting on a wooden shelf directly in front of the slave’s face. Furthermore, she is ordering him to kiss her feet during a break in the whipping, no doubt in order to make him publicly demonstrate his humility and contrition, thereby degrading him in front of others in public.
  • To be honest, the slave looks totally and utterly defeated, and ready to obey any order by anybody to do anything. Such is the power of the female whip to reduce a male slave to a state of absolute obedience and submission!
  • He is also the only person in the scene who is reliant on the sting of the whip to keep him warm. Ha! Ha! Everyone else in the scene is appropriately clothed for the cool weather, but the semi-naked slave would surely be freezing to death were he not obliged to publicly wear the sting of the female whip on his bare back!
  • Meanwhile, a top-hatted Gynarchy magistrate-sir, and his latest floozy – a stunningly beautiful young, oriental woman – look on with immense satisfaction at the slave’s public pain and suffering.  The magnificent magistrate master-sir is clearly thinking: ‘I sentenced you to this, slave, by the power invested in me by the female courts! Ha! Ha! How do you like the fact that I am now enjoying watching you suffer at my behest? Ha! Ha! You know I could stop this at any minute, and commute your punishment to one of just footkissing? But I am not going to do so. Everyone present is enjoying themselves too much – apart from you, of course! They love the sound of the whip swishing through the air and then splatting onto your bare backskin. Ha! Ha! How does it feel to be at my mercy, slave? At the mercy of an old man – and yet destined to receive none? Ha! Ha! Kiss your mistress’s dirty sneakers and weep some more, whipped slave, for there are plenty more strokes of the lash still to come!’
  • His pretty, Asian girlfriend is pointing at the slave and excitedly shouting at him, in her cute Chinese accent and in broken English, to ‘kiss your mistress sock, dirty slave!’ Ha! Ha! She’s probably wishing she could have the slave kiss her own socks – deep inside her rubbery, wellington boot; black knee-high socks with frilly tops. Who knows, perhaps she shall get her wish? After all, her ‘boyfriend’, the mighty magistrate master-sir, is a very powerful elderly man indeed!
  • The magistrate master-sir isn’t the only Gynarchy official watching over the proceedings today. There is also a cardinal master-sir, representing the Gynarchy church, and a Gynarchy nurse – though it should be stressed that she is here not to attend to the whipped slave’s wounds, but rather to assist any spectators in the crowd who may become overly excited and faint with pleasure! For the moment, though, she is simply enjoying the spectacle herself, whilst taking the opportunity to have a crafty cigarette break!
  •           Panning across to the right we see a familiar, pretty face in the form of local gynarchy-goddess and unemployed drug addict Ms Arabella madam, who is seated on a disused oil drum and wearing a pair of blue jeans; a grey hoodie; and black ankleboots with white socks. Let us zoom in on one of her socks, as it is truly a magnificent sight. Just a plain and ordinary, some might say somewhat grubby, white sock – yet made holy by virtue of being on Ms Arabella madam’s foot. It is become the sock of a goddess, and must be admired and respected as such!
  • The equally beautiful black girl on her left isn’t wearing any socks, but as a result is displaying a goodly amount of toe cleavage inside her smart, court shoes. It would appear also that the cardinal master-sir isn’t the only religious person on site, as the young black woman is not only wearing a decorative cross around her shapely neck, but she also appears to be praying for the slave’s suffering and humiliation to continue. And rightly so.
  • Then, of course, we see the superb whipper herself – a stern-looking, pigtailed punisher in dirty, black, calf-length boots. My God she looks terrifying! You wouldn’t want to be on the receiving end of her whip, would you? That whip looks sore, and this pretty, young woman clearly enjoys punishing a man. See how she watches her victim like a hawk as he kiss-respects his magnificent mistress’s dirty sneaker-toes, looking for any excuse to ply the whip again across his already reddened and sore back! Note too the screwdrivers in her trouser pocket. She is clearly a handywoman by profession (her day job!). Do you think she might possibly have constructed the shelf on which the slave’s mistress is currently resting her sneakered feet in front of his face? If so, she’s done a really good job, though she is clearly equally adept at wielding the whip!
  • Speaking of whips, the only other spectator to this scene (apart from the mistress’s pet dog) is also carrying a whip – local slave-tormentress Ms Karen madam. She is clearly feminine-itching to have a go at whipping the slave herself, and looks decidedly pissed off at not being able to do so. Indeed she probably blames the slave for not being able to apply her whip to his back (even though it’s got nothing to do with him) and will subsequently use that to press false charges against him so that he can be rearrested and publicly flogged yet again this time at her behest! Note the creases in her stockings above her stylish, black leather kneeboots to match the creases of anger and frustration in her pretty, plump face.
    •            But let’s leave the scene by focussing on the gormless, whipped slave as he blubbers and grovels over his mistress’s outstretched sneaker-toes, surrounded by his betters. Like virtually everyone else in this scene we don’t know what crime he is supposed to have committed, and we don’t care. He’s just a weak, whipped prisoner-slave, hugging the whipping post and desperately lipping his mistress’ sneakers for mercy at the base of her seat of power. Will he receive any female mercy? Let’s hope not – for it is important that everyone watching him being punished should have their fill of fun.

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