Loving The Rain

Regular customer Ms Mukta madam seems to love being out in the rain, as she never fails to visit me when it’s pouring. As for my humble part, I love that she loves being out in the rain – otherwise I would more than likely not get to see or to serve any customers during such inclement weather!

It's chucking it down, but it takes more than a bit of rain to deter regular customer Ms Mukta from visiting me!

She stops in front of my humble head and looks down on me not with pity, but contempt!

'Kiss my boot, slave!'

'Yes, Ms Mukta madam. At once, Ms Mukta madam. God bless you, Ms Mukta madam!'

Her proffered boot is, understandably given the weather, caked in muddy dirt!

'And the other one, slave!'

I get a goodly view of her brown sock atop her black leather ankleboot

But tonight is not about socks; it's about kissing boots!

Muddy, wet boots!

Female boots!

As suddenly and unsympathetically as they came, the boots turn and leave me to rot...

...in the pouring rain behind them

I'm like a drenched rat!

My humbling view of Ms Mukta's rain-soaked, departing boots!


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