Volunteer Civilian Taskmistress

The rock-scrubber slave scrubs all the more diligently whenever a volunteer civilian taskmistress is overseeing his work, for they can be far more demanding than the professional Gynarchy-Guard taskmistresses. And especially this volunteer taskmistress – Ms Zuri Madam. Her reputation precedes her – a reputation for harshness with the stick!

Slave, put more water on your brush!’ she suddenly barks down at him from behind in her West African accent.

‘Yes, taskmistress Ms Zuri Madam. At once, taskmistress Ms Zuri Madam! Please don’t beat me, Madam!’, blubbers the cowardly work-slave.

‘First kiss my foot!’, she snaps.

The slave wastes no time in placing his parched and dry lips onto taskmistess Ms Zuri Madam’s haughtily outstretched foot, kissing her first on the white leather sandal strap, before daring to kiss her on her big toenail – painted bright white to match her overseer sandals.

See how Ms Zuri Madam loveshaving her feet kissed! Just look at her relaxed stance. There is nothing she enjoys more than having an elderly, male slave grovelling at her feet! She wouldn’t treat an attractive man like this – a real man, such as her boyfriend. But a lowly prisoner-slave nearing the end of his natural life is good for only two things in her estimation – hard labour and kissing feet!

However, it’s time for the slave to get back to work:

‘Now return to your scrubbing, dirty slave! And remember to wet your brush with more water. Obey, slave!’

‘Yes, taskmistress Ms Zuri Madam! At once, taskmistress Ms Zuri Madam!’

And so rocks continue to be scrubbed – for no good reason other than to humiliate the elderly slave, and purely because he is not permitted to retire as a slave, but must work hard until his dying day. Apart, that is, from a few brief moments of respite when he is ordered to kiss his taskmistresses’ feet!

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