Casual Everyday Domination

Observe how casually and nonchalantly this Asian girl has me kiss her sneakered feet on the sink estate. She isn’t even looking at me as she stretches out her foot beneath my menial, immured mouth. It’s as if I’m just an afterthought – a ‘thing’ that kisses her feet whilst she is chatting with her friend. That’s because, for her, having her feet kissed by a public humble head is, indeed, an everyday occurrence!

After the two girls have gone, and I am left staring at the residual dirt on the ground from the young Asian woman’s sneaker soles, a magnificent master-sir, who has been watching proceedings from nearby, comes over and crouches down next to me in order to mock me to my confined face. I can smell his stale, smoker’s breath as he pokes me in my temples with his bony fingers.

He begins by asking how I had liked it – having to kiss a ‘Chinese’ girl’s dirty sneakers in public, and he enquires as to whether I hadn’t felt shame at having to perform such a humiliating act? He emphasises that his own face and mouth would never be seen so close to another human being’s dirty feet – let alone a girl’s! He then requires me to describe in detail the sight, taste and smell of her pink and white sneakers, and is particularly interested to know whether or not I managed to ascertain the source of the dirt on her sneakers, using my ‘powers of deduction’?

Next, he turns his attention to the Asian girl’s socks. He again asks me if I hadn’t felt humbled being so close to her white sock, and how did I feel about having her plain, white anklesock towering over my helpless head? He laughs out loud at me at this point, pointing out that even the girl’s sock was higher than me! He then demands that I describe her socks in more detail – the patterns in the stitching; the number of observable creases; every twist and turn in the soft cotton sock material.

After I have finished responding to the superb master-sir’s incisive questioning, he laughs at me again and calls me a dumbass dunderhead before triumphantly walking off, safe in the knowledge that a handsome and free man like him will never be in the humiliating and degrading position of being a public humble head, kiss-serving the general public’s dirty feet!

If you are interested, my respectful answers to the master sir’s brilliant questions were as follows:

·     I had indeed liked it (kissing the Asian mistress’s sneakers), as I am naught but a pathetic, down in the dirt, humble head, if the master sir would be so kind and understanding? However, I had not liked it all that much, since the taste of her sneakers had been foul
·     I had indeed felt shame at performing such a humble act in public, but it is nevertheless only right and proper that a slave such as myself should be compelled to kiss the feet of his betters, and thereby demonstrate his slavish admiration and respect for them, again begging the master sir’s pardon
·     I humbly express the opinion that it is equally right and proper that a handsome master sir’s face like his should never have to do what I have done, and I rejoice with the master sir that his face shall never be so ignominiously close to a young woman’s dirty sneakers as my ugly face had just been
·     I then describe to the master sir how, whilst the soles and lower areas of the beautiful Asian mistress’s pink and white striped sneakers had been quite street-soiled and dirty, the uppers – the parts I had been permitted to kiss – were relatively clean. I am therefore unable to answer the master sir’s perfectly legitimate question as to the provenance of her sneaker-dirt, if he would be so kind and forgiving towards me please don’t beat me master sir? However, craving the master’s kind indulgence, I can confirm that her sneakers certainly smelt well worn, sir, and, although the master sir has not specifically asked me about them, I could confirm also that her pink sneaker laces felt sufficiently rough on my lackey lips, suggesting they had been well used, if the master sir would be so kind and understanding to a humble head-in-the-wall slave at his masculine mercy? I concluded that the mistress’s sneakers were truly superb on her feet, and that I had indeed been a privileged footslave to honour them with my lips, pathetic and stupid lip-lackey though that makes me!
·     Turning, as ordered by the master sir, to the young woman’s white socks, I humbly confirmed my utter, abject humiliation at being lower than her anklesocks, and stressed how small and insignificant that had made me feel, if it is pleasing to the master sir?
·     I then went on to give the detailed description of the socks demanded by the master sir. I confirmed that the upper rim of her sock contained perpendicular, ribbed cotton stitching, whereas the main body of the sock had much narrower, diagonal lines of pretty stitching – stitching which accentuated the beauty of the mistress’s foot and ankle. Furthermore, I happily, though humbly, confirmed to the master sir that I had indeed observed some creases and folds in her sock, and that there had been movement in those sock creases as her foot and ankle muscles underneath the sock had subliminally flexed in reaction to her happy conversation with her friend high above me. I stressed to the master sir, lest he be concerned, that I had not allowed myself to become distracted from my duty to admire my Asian customer-mistress’s socks in front of me by eyeing up her interlocutor’s socks in my peripheral vision, even though the latter was wearing a delightful pair of nylon, lacey, tan-coloured footsie socks inside a pair of plain black leather ballet flats.
·     It was at this point that the master sir laughed out loud at me, called me a dumbass dunderhead, and stood up to walk away from me, leaving me once again alone with only my customers’ residual shoedirt for company. Truly he is a winner and I am a loser, and I wish I could be like him!

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