Office Footrest

The office footrest slave must lie beneath his office mistress’s desk and study the soles of her musty and leathery smelling ballet-flats as she rests her pretty feet on him whilst working on her office computer high above him.

Important points to note about the office footrest’s humble role:

·     The office mistress never speaks to her human footrest. That’s because he’s just a ‘thing’ that she rests her feet on – just another piece of dumb office furniture. The office cleaners are the ones responsible for feeding and watering him (though they often neglect that part of their duties). But the office mistress merely uses him.
·     Sometimes the office mistress will kick off her shoes and rest her bare, nyloned or socked feet directly on the footrest’s upturned face – at which point he, of course, gets to inhale the tangy aroma of her very personal foot odour. But, for the most part, all he gets to see, smell and taste is the dirt on the bottoms of her shoes, and whatever she has been walking in.
·     At weekends, or during Bank Holidays, the office footrest is alone with just his memories of the soles of the office mistress’s shoes. Therefore he must study them hard when they are physically present on his face – otherwise he will have nothing to ponder whilst lying alone in the cold and dark of the empty office
·     The office mistress is better than him, and it is an honour for his face to serve as her common, weekday footrest. When she goes away on holiday (which she frequently does being a high earner), the footrest slave must study the shoe and/or bootsoles of whatever temps are covering her work whilst she is away. But it is always nice for him to see her familiar soles back on his face again when she returns refreshed and reinvigorated by her holiday.
·     Needless to say, the office footrest never gets to go away on holiday. He’s a slave.

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