Serving The Smythes

My name is James and I am the full-time, live-in servant of the Smythe family, and have been for just over 5 years now, since my 18th birthday. The Smythe family consist of Mr Smythe sir, who is in his fifties and the head of the household; his glamorous wife Madam Zaheeda who is in her late forties; and their two daughters, Miss Julia who is 25 years old; and her younger sister, Miss Parminder, who is about the same age as me (23).

They treat me well, by Gynarchy standards. I do not have to wear shackles or chains, unlike many other household servants and slaves in the Gynarchy, and they generally treat me as if I were one of their family. However, every so often, usually about once a month, Mr Smythe sir lines up his wife and daughters in the living room so that I might kiss their feet - just by way of a timely reminder to me (and to them) that I am not, at the end of the day, a family member. I am the family servant, and must be treated as such. For example, it would not be appropriate for me to ever get romantically involved with either Ms Julia or her sister Ms Parminder, despite their attractiveness, since they are my owner's daughters, and therefore are my employers too. I am simply here to serve them. That's why I must always refer to them as 'Miss Julia' (or 'Ms Julia') and 'Miss Parminder'. For their part, they just call me 'James'. Master Smythe sir and Madam Zaheeda sometimes refer to me as 'boy'. But at least I am not shouted at as a slave!

Here you see one such monthly 'feetkissing' reminder ceremony taking place. Mr Smythe sir has me go down the line and kiss his wife's and daughters' feet. I have already kissed his feet.

After the 'ceremony', Mr Smythe sir despatches me to the kitchen to make him and his family some tea, after which Miss Parminder has already indicated she wants me to 'shine' her red sneakers. I spend a lot of my time attending to the family's feet and footwear! I suppose that's just all part of being a household servant.

Kissing Madam Zaheeda's sandalled feet as a demonstration of my servitude towards her

She switches feet to ensure I pay my respects to BOTH her feet

Her bare toes are nice and fragrant and pedicured

...pedicured by me, of course, first thing this morning - just one of my regular duties!

I kiss her respectfully on the big toe. She is my master's wife, my mistress, and therefore must be shown respect

I have already kiss-respected the master-sir's socked and sandalled feet

They weren't quite so fragrant!

Next I must move along to Ms Julia's boots

She likes wearing these blocky, heavy ankle boots. I am forever having to shine them for her!

Again, she ensures that I kiss-respect BOTH her boots, in accordance with her father's wishes

As you can see, Ms Julia is wearing white socks inside her boots

I put those socks on her feet first thing this morning - another of my regular duties!

Ms Julia is, perhaps, my favourite member of the Smythe family to serve. Such a kind and sweet-hearted girl!

Her younger sister Ms Parminder (23) is sweet and kind also, but can be a bit more impetuous than her big sister!

You can tell by her body language that she really enjoys having her sneakered feet kissed... 

...whereas I sometimes get the impression that Ms Julia is a bit embarrassed about the whole thing?

Anyway, I make sure to press down hard with my puckered lips on Ms Parminder's outstretched sneaker-toe, so that she can really feel my humility and respect for her!

Ms Parminder is wearing grey socks with her red sneakers. She must have put her socks on herself this morning, as I haven't touched them today (yet!)

I think it does me good to kiss the family's feet. It does help to put me in my place. Mr Smythe is a very clever man that way!

I overhear Ms Parmindr saying her red sneakers (the ones I am currently kissing) could do with a 'shine', and she asks her family if she can therefore use me to shine her sneakers next?

They all agree that she can, but not before I have made them all a refreshing cup of tea. Master Smythe sir does the honours, and orders me to go to the kitchen and make them some tea

As I respectfully crawl away from my owners and betters, Mr Smythe sir assures his beloved daughter Parminder that she can indeed have me shine her sneakers later, as soon as they have finished their tea

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