Punishment Observation Room
In the punishment observation room there are lots of happy witnesses to the prisoner-slave’s punishment – the punishment of having to kiss his guard-mistress’s boots 1000 times (500 kisses per boot).
In this scene the witnesses are:
- A Gynarchy police-officer mistress wielding a whip
- A civilian prisoner-slave tormentress madam, waving a yellow fan of male cowardice next to the bootkissing prisoner’s face – ostensibly to fan away his blushes of shame, but in reality in order to add to his public humiliation
- A prison doctor mistress, whose job it is to count and record the number of bootkisses
- The very same magistrate master-sir who gleefully passed the bootkissing sentence upon the hapless prisoner
- Two young ladies – members of the public, who have no connection with the prisoner, but merely enjoy watching prisoners being humiliated in their spare time (it’s their female hobby)
- A Gynarchy priest sir – adding his blessing to the proceedings
Note the prison-guard mistress’s blue sock.