Nice Memento

It’s gone way past midnight and, amidst the pitch darkness of the now near deserted sink estate, the only sign of activity is the public humble-head, still hard at work, still lickshining shoes. That’s because he is never off duty, and must kiss and lick the shoes of his betters on demand – whatever the time of day or night.

His late-night customer appears to be a smart, young businesswoman, presumably on her way home after a late-night works do. Haha! That’s right, miss, use and abuse the slave as you see fit. Make him taste where you have been walking all day in those pretty shoes, and when you are done using him simply walk away from him without saying a word, whilst leaving the taste of your shoedirt lingering inside his menial mouth where it belongs. Haha! It will be a nice memento for him of you.

You, of course, will have completely forgotten about him as soon as your pretty head hits the pillow in your warm and cosy apartment. But the ugly slave must try to get some shut-eye not just with the residual foul taste of your dirty shoeleather in his mouth, but also with that permanent, heavy neck-collar around his aching neck. Haha! No soft, downy pillow for his weary humble head! And the only soft, female flesh he will be seeing tonight is the brief glimpse of your bare ankleskin above the sockline as you triumphantly turn to walk away from him. Yes, you have well and truly humbled him, miss, and we know it must have made you feel good!

Sweet dreams, sweet mistress! And thanks for keeping the public humble head on your toes for us all to see!

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