Willing To Hurt Me

‘You want I pain you, slave?’

Her English may be a bit rusty, but her intent is clear. The Asian customer-mistress wishes to know if I want her to hurt me?

I do not:

‘Oh pray, mistress, if it pleases you pretty mistress, please don’t hurt me, miss!’
‘So, you not want pain – you lick dirty boots. You not touch sock. You obey, slave, or I pain you long time!’

‘Yes, mistress. At once, mistress!’

I lick her dirty boots for what seems like an inordinately long time – which is, of course, infinitely preferable to being in pain for a long time!

What a truly magnificent young woman she is – with superb boots and socks. I do hope she will bother me again tomorrow night, for it is an honour to taste where she has been walking!

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