Perk of the Job

One of the ‘perks’ of my job as a public footslave is that I sometimes get to see things that are normally hidden – such as my customer-mistresses’ socks which would normally be hidden beneath their pants. The mere act of stretching forth their foot for kissing causes the pant leg to rise up, revealing, in this particular case in front of me now, a beautiful plain black sock inside the lady’s sneaker. A sock which is so close to my face that, despite my not having a totally unimpeded view, I can still make out the individual lines of stitching in the black cotton sock material.

I take a foolish pride in my footslavish proximity to that sock, and internally I rejoice in the fact that no-one else, probably not even the beautiful wearer off the sock, is now so intimately acquainted with the pattern of the stitching in the plain, black sock! Indeed, nobody else, save the wearer of the sock, will likely even be aware that this beautiful, young woman is wearing black socks inside her predominantly white sneakers. Not that I should think they care much, having much more important things to think about being free men and women of the Gynarchy. But the colour and texture of a customer’s socks are all-important to me, so lowly is my life!

Yes, it’s perhaps the greatest perk of my job – seeing beautiful, young women’s hidden socks!

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