Portable Public Flogger

The ever-inventive Gynarchy Girl-Guards have adapted a fork lift truck, transforming it into a ‘portable public flogger’ vehicle on which they can secure a slave for whipping around the city so that as many people as possible can witness his punishment.

Here we see an excited crowd enjoying the spectacle. The pretty Chinese girl is pointing at the hapless slave and verbally mocking him:

‘Haha! You about to be whip, slave! Me and my boyfriend never be whip. We free! You a slave – so you get whip! Haha!’

Of course, normally it would be rude to point, but it’s never rude to point at a slave – especially whilst mocking him! Meanwhile her fat boyfriend on her left appears to be equally revelling in the slave’s impending suffering. Or is her boyfriend actually the man standing on her right, in the grey hoodie? In which case he appears to be wishing the slave nothing but serious pain!  Whatever the case, I think we can safely say that all those present are looking forward to witnessing the slave’s impending punishment, and a fun time is about to be had by all.

Except, of course, for the slave!

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