Domestic Slave's Humiliation

My mistress has me kiss-respect her dirty sneakers in front of her handsome boyfriend whilst she is relaxing lazily on the sofa.

I am ordered to kneel at the end of the sofa and kiss my mistress's sneaker in front of her boyfriend

Oh how humbling! Oh how humiliating for me!

I respectfully cradle my mistress's dangling, sneakered foot in my humble hands

Her pretty ankle tattoo looms large above her short, white sneaker sock

All I can taste (and smell) is rubbery sneaker-dirt

How the recipient of the sneaker-kisses despises me!

As does her manly boyfriend!

You wouldn't catch him abasing himself in such a way at his pretty girlfriend's feet!

Perhaps the whip marks on my back help to explain my craven obeisance?

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