Impertinent Drain Slave

By Lowest of the Low

Hi Patheticus, I haven't had a chance to see your blog for the past 2 and a half weeks so looking forward to catching up on everything I've been missing out on and to see what all of the other slaves have been up to while I've been away. Although I am ashamed to mention the reason why I was away because once again my own stupidity got me into trouble.

I was lying inside my drain as usual, watching all of the superior masters and mistresses walking over the top of me when all of a sudden an attractive and very intelligent looking young Gynarchy university student stopped directly over my drain while at the same time getting her phone out from inside the bag she was carrying and began typing out a text to someone who I guessed was probably her very manly and good looking boyfriend. However once again I was only thinking of myself because I happened to be extremely hungry since throughout the day hardly any street dirt and mud which I rely on for substance had fallen from my betters shoes and boots above so I hadn't had anything to eat for along time.

It was then that I saw stuck inbetween the treads of the mistresses boots a large clump of dirt and a twig which looked just like a gourmet dinner to a starving drain slave like me. So without thinking I politely asked the mistress if she would be so kind as to scrape her dirty boot soles across the grating of my drain so that I could feast on the delicious looking dirt as it fell from her treads. Unfortunately for me though the mistress looked down at me with a half surprised (I don't even think she realized I was even down there, or even really cared) and half angry look on her face, then without saying a word to me she simply stormed off.

A few minutes later the mistress reappeared above me however this time she was with 2 Gynarchy policewoman who told me I was under arrest for disturbing the peace and needed to be punished before unlocking my drain and ordering me to crawl out. They then forced me to crawl on my hands and knees until we got to the town stocks which I was then securely fastened into. I was then told I was to be left here for 2 and half weeks while also receiving a good hard whipping from the female authorities each day as part of the punishment before being thrown back inside my drain once again as soon as my sentence was over.

That was 2 and a half weeks ago so now that I've served my time I'm once again back inside my drain, still starving, but also in immense pain from all of the whippings I received while imprisoned in the stocks. Will I ever learn?


The Gynarchy mistress complains to the authorities about the impertinent drain slave beneath her feet. Note how frightened the drain slave is. That’s because he knows he is about to be taken out of his drain and sorely whipped! 

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