On Balance

It’s the third and final day – mercifully – of this particular prisoner-slave’s sojourn in the public pillory, and it looks like being a much better day, weather-wise at any rate. Although, one can’t help feeling that, on balance, the pilloried prisoner-slave just wishes it was over, so that he can get back to his dungeon cell in order to lick his wounds – especially since a young Asian woman insists on climbing up onto the heavy boulder wrapped round his neck and balancing precariously on it, aided and abetted by her gentlemanly partner!

Note how everyone else in the scene is keen to urge her on, as they are very much enjoying seeing the prisoner-slave’s added distress. Indeed, one senses that it is only a matter of time before the black girl joins her on top of the boulder!

Note too how the prisoner-slave is obliged to look at the Asian girl’ plain, grey anklesocks as she performs her balancing act on his stone.

Yes, for this pitiful prisoner-slave, the end of the day can’t come quickly enough. Oh for the relative comfort of his cold, underground dungeon!

What do you think? Has the pilloried prisoner suffered enough? Or would you prolong his stay in the pillory?

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