Old Rustyneck

The public footslave known locally as ‘Old Rustyneck’, on account of the heavy, metal cangue which has been adorning his scrawny slave-neck for decades, is commanded to massage the off-duty, security-guard mistress’s sweaty, socked foot as she greedily, and noisily, tucks into her takeaway burger and fries – all whilst his bare back and shoulders feel the threatening tap-tap of his taskmaster’s whip!

That’s because her black leather, uniform boots are already highly polished and therefore do not require a lickshining. But the slave might as well attend to her socks as she relaxes in the public shoelick-throne of power high above him, filling her female belly with yet more food.
Hungry Old Rustyneck can smell her burger, but the aroma of her food is mixed in with the stinky aroma of her sock and therefore is not all that appetising to him. So he dutifully bows his rusty, old neck and very much focuses on the humble task in hand. Besides, he very much fears the sting of his taskmaster’s whip, and does not want to be beaten.

Note how the customer-mistress’s socked toes are curled up with pleasure at the feel of the slave’s wizened old hands rubbing her young-womanly foot through her protective sock. Ha! Ha! What a total dork Old Rustyneck is – a sock-massaging loser obliged to respectfully rub a fat, Asian girl's sweaty, black-socked foot under the strict supervision of another, much better, man than him. Truly he is a thing to be despised! He deserves the whip!

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