Street Scene

An Indian mistress enjoys witnessing a man having his feet kissed by a public humble head on a busy street

An everyday street scene in the Indian Gynarchy

Free men are just as entitled to use a public humble head as the female citizens

The humble-head slave spends all day (and night) kissing dusty feet...

...the feet of his male and female betters

He lives his lowly life at street level...

...and at feet level!

Frustratingly for the slave, beautiful female feet often walk on by without stopping...

...but he can still hear their mocking laughter as they witness his humiliation at the feet of their male counterparts

The slave's lowly life is truly lived down amongst the feet...

...and the sandals!

He's garbage; trash; just another piece of street furniture

The master-sir deftly switches feet in front of the humble slave's feetkissing face...

...whilst the female feet continue on by

Feet! Feet! Feet!


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