Appropriate Epithet

‘Hi, Dirt! How's it hangin’?' Jovial, regular customer Ms Mukta madam has recently taken to calling me ‘dirt’, since I spend my lowly life down in the dirt, kissing other people’s dirty shoes and boots. It is therefore an entirely appropriate epithet for me. I feel honoured to touch divine Ms Mukta’s shoedirt with my menial mouth! Regular visitor to my confined face, Ms Mukta madam, walks jauntily towards me 'Hi, dirt! How's it hangin'?' 'Oh pray, Ms Mukta madam, thanking you kindly Ms Mukta madam, this slave is all the better for seeing you, madam!' 'Kiss my foot, dirt!' 'And the other one, dirt!' I obediently kiss Ms Mukta's outstretched sneaker-toes with my dirty face Her everyday sneakers are remarkably clean, as are her socks! I expect the socks were fresh on her this morning, but the sneakers are probably worn almost every day! Suddenly, in the distance, I hear and see another sneaker-wearing regular customer, Ms Linda madam,...