Bringing Me Her Husband's Dirty Socks

The Asian lady begins by mercilessly mocking me:

'Haha, how you are liking it, slave? How you are liking it being down in the dirt and kissing the feet? Do you not have shame?'

By Law, I must respond respectfully and truthfully to the visiting mistress-madam - a stranger whom I have not had the honour of serving before:

'Oh pray mistress-madam, if it pleases you mistress-madam, this pathetic and dirty slave does indeed like it madam, but not that much madam, if you would be so kind and understanding to an helpless and humble slave at your feet, madam, please don't hurt me madam?'

She then kindly explains her purpose in coming to see me:

'Haha, I bring you my husband dirty socks for you smell! Socks of real man! You like smell my husband dirty socks?'

Again, I must be truthful in my response:

'Oh pray, mistress-madam! Oh beg! Truly it will be an honour for me to sniff the dirty socks of your husband, madam, thanking you kindly madam!'

'Haha - first you kiss my feet, slave. Show me respect for bring my husband socks to you. You just a damned slave. You obey!'

And with that, she places her right foot onto the wooden footblock beneath my confined face. As I respectfully, but fervently, kiss the Asian lady's superb shoes, I admire the creases in her socks - and all in the now sure and certain knowledge that I shall shortly be having to sniff her husband's dirty socks! 

Sure enough, once she is satisfied with my obeisance at her feet, she crouches down to laughingly take her husband's dirty socks out of the small bag she has brought with her (she's wearing gloves - presumably to protect her hands from being sullied by her husband's sweaty, used socks) and places them onto the footblock where I have just been kissing her feet and admiring her socks!

'Haha, you sniff now, slave! You smell stink of my husband dirty socks. You praise his socks. His socks better than you - socks of real man. Not like you - you just a slave! Haha...'

I obediently sniff her husband's stinky, sweaty, discarded socks - trying not to grimace too much at the manly, sweaty odour., as I thank and praise both the mistress and her absentee husband for the great 'honour' they are bestowing upon me:

'God bless you madam, and your husband's socks! Oh his socks, madam! His socks!...'

'Haha, I bring you my husband dirty socks for you smell! Socks of real man!...' 

'Haha - first you kiss my feet, slave. Show me respect for bring my husband socks to you.'

'You just a damned slave. You obey!'

Obeying the pretty mistress-madam and kissing her feet...

...whilst admiring the creases in her socks...

...socks I would much rather have to sniff than her husband's socks!

'Haha, you sniff now, slave! You smell stink of my husband dirty socks...

...His socks better than you - socks of real man. Not like you - you just a slave! Haha...'

Looking at, and sniffing, the sweaty, discarded, male socks...

...whilst the mistress-madam continues to laugh at me and mock me

I try not to grimace, but the socks are sweatily pungent!

No wonder the bright young woman is wearing gloves!

Meanwhile, her own socks are creased up with laughter at me... I dutifully sniff her husband's sweaty socks in front of her!

How she mocks and despises me...

...another man's sweaty-sock sniffer!

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