New Face In Town

The customer-mistress approaching me across the yard with confidence in her female stride is, I believe, a new face in town. I certainly haven't seen her pretty face before, nor had the honour of serving her shoes and socks!

How kind of her to come and introduce herself to me - though she does so via her actions; not her words!

A new, pretty face - walking determinedly towards me!

What an honour it will be to serve this new customer-mistress's shoes and socks!

Said shoes and socks stop directly in front of me, but say nothing

Then the right shoe is unceremoniously shoved toward my menial mouth. I pucker up and kiss it - my default position

I must then repeat my humiliating gesture on her left shoe

The left sock appears to be lower than the right? Or is that just in my fevered imagination?

I would happily straighten her socks, so that they have equilibrium, if the customer so wished me to?

But she doesn't seem interested in having her socks adjusted. For now, she clearly just wants her stylish shoes to be kiss-respected!

And so I repeatedly kiss the proferred shoetoe - with suitable footslavish humility and respect!

She switches feet again in front of my face - thereby demonstrating that the imposition of her shoes on my mouth is no accident or chance gesture on her haughty part!

Then, as silently as she came, she turns her back on me and leaves me to rot in the dirt behind her

She has 'marked her territory', as it were. I am now very much her local public humble-head...

...introduced to her shoes and socks...

...and, hopefully, becoming much better acquainted with them over the coming days and weeks?

For there is much for a public footslave to admire about this pretty customer-mistress and her footwear

Not least the backs of her brown socks!


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