Gladdening My Heart

On a damp and dreary night, regular customer Ms Mukta madam gladdens my old heart:

‘Haha, you look like a drowned rat, sockieboy! Are you glad to see me - and my sockies?’

‘Oh pray, mistress Mukta madam, if it pleases you mistress Mukta madam, yes indeed, mistress Mukta madam! God bless you for visiting me on such an inclement night, mistress!’

‘Haha, that’s alright, sockieboy. I was passing by anyway! Now kiss my feet and look at my nice sockies, like a good little sockieboy-slave!’

‘Yes, mistress. At once, mistress.’

I do just that. I kiss her proffered foot, and admiringly study her short, white sock-top.

‘Haha, you look like a drowned rat, sockieboy! Are you glad to see me - and my sockies?’

'Kiss my feet and look at my nice sockies, like a good little sockieboy-slave!’

‘Yes, mistress. At once, mistress.’

I kiss Ms Mukta's extended, sneakered foot in the rain and study her white sock-top...

...swiftly followed by the sock on her other foot!

The short expanse of sock I am legally obliged to admire, since my customer has ordered me to do so!

I study the individual stitches in the superior sock...

...and ponder my drowned rat lowliness!

Ms Mukta's cheery demeanour, meanwhile, has noticeably changed to one of silent solemnity

She takes the kissing of her feet very seriously!

Only when she turns to leave does she crack a triumphant little smile and a giggle!

I, meanwhile, keep my humble head bowed and low...

...until it is safe for me to look up admiringly once more at her now-disappearing socks

I'm just a sock-weed, down amongst the natural weeds

One of the socks that is now heading to the warmth, comfort and shelter of her nearby apartment. Would I could accompany it!


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