Manly Orders

‘You kiss my pretty girlfriend feet, slave. Show her respect. You not touch her sock!’

As is so often the case, it is the customer’s boyfriend who seems to be doing all the talking! Though, in this case, when they later converse with one another in a foreign tongue, I realise it’s because she doesn’t speak any English.

Needless to say, I obey the master-sir’s manly orders to the letter!

A master-sir issues his manly orders down at me whilst his pretty girlfriend remains silent

She is, nevertheless, the recipient of my menial mouth's attentions...

...or, a least, her sneakers are!

I obey her boyfriend's orders to the letter - kissing her feet and studiously avoiding touching her sock!

Though a very nice sock it is - just itching to be nose-straightened!

The creases in her sock demonstrate her female contempt for me more eloquently than anything she could say!

I am mindful also of her boyfriend's socks in the distance - socks that MUST be obeyed!

But, for now at least, it is female socs that fill my lowly, feetkissing field of vision

Truly I am surrounded by my betters' socks!

The customer's sneakers are filthy...

...but I mustn't baulk. I must be pleasing to the master and mistress!

'Haha, that right slave - you kiss Chinese girl feet...

...or feel WHIP!'

Ah, she's Chinese! That, presumably, is why she cannot bark her orders down at me herself?

Perhaps she doesn't speak English?

Or, perhaps, she just enjoys having her English-speaking boyfriend humiliate me in front of her?

Either way, I MUSTN'T touch the SOCK!


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