Using The Pathetic Sockieboy Slave

A Gynarchy tour guide explains the purpose of a public sockieboy slave to her guest:

‘This public humble-head slave is known as a ‘sockieboy slave’ – meaning that he will study and admire your socks while he is kissing your feet.  He will also verbally praise and worship your socks if you command him to. He’s really pathetic, and often referred to as a ‘sock silly’ or a ‘sock stupid’ by the locals!’

She then invites the guest to use the sockieboy slave for himself, which he, of course, does:

‘Haha, what a dork! What a dweeb!... Kiss my feet, sockieboy-loser! And praise and bless my socks!’

‘Yes, master sir. At once, most magnificent and mighty master sir… Oh your socks, sir! Your socks! Truly your socks are to be praised and admired, sir! The stitching; the black and white stripes at the tops; the texture of your socks, sir. All these things make your manly socks magnificent in my eyes, sir. Sir, I would live to serve your socks, sir, given the opportunity, sir, begging your male pardon and forgiveness, master sir?’

The female tour guide and her male guest laugh heartily at the pathetic sockieboy slave’s words and deeds. The man remains for two hours, having his shoes kiss-respected and his socks verbally admired and praised.

‘This public humble-head slave is known as a ‘sockieboy slave’ – meaning that he will study and admire your socks while he is kissing your feet.' 

‘Haha, what a dork! What a dweeb!...

 ...Kiss my feet, sockieboy-loser! And praise and bless my socks!’

‘Yes, master sir. At once, most magnificent and mighty master sir…'

The pathetic sockieboy slave's humbling view of his customer-master's socks

The slave particularly admires the stripes in the master's socks

He looks at the socks whilst he is kissing the shoes...

...and verbally praises and blesses the socks...

...the socks of a real man...

...of a free man!

Of course, a part of the slave would much rather be kissing the sneakers and admiring the socks of the female tour guide...

...especially since her socks are creased...

...and she is very pretty!

The master-sir is not particularly facially handsome...

...but his legs are powerful and tower over the feekissing, sock-admiring slave's humble head!

The man is therefore fully deserving of the pathetic sockieboy slave's slavish respect... front of a woman!

The pathetic old fool can't take his eyes off the customer's socks...

...thereby living up to, or should that be down to, his pathetic slave nickname! He is the slave of other people's socks!

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