Permanent Feetkisser

In one of the Gynarchy’s dungeon exhibitions, visitors can queue to have their feet kissed by a lifer prisoner-slave in the stocks, known as the ‘Permanent Feetkisser’. That’s all he does, day in and day out, 365 days a year – kiss strangers’ feet! It’s a very popular exhibit!

Here we see a handsome young couple enjoying the experience of humiliating the permanent feetkisser slave in his dark and dingy dungeon. 

Exploiting the 'Permanent Feetkisser' exhibit...

...a visitor to the Gynasrchy dungeons - a bright young woman - has her feet kissed

This is all the prisoner-slave does all day and every day...

...kiss feet...

...and study sock!

His customers' socks are his only respite...

...since they brighten up his otherwise dull and dreary existence!

And the young woman's boyfriend's socks are patiently waiting in the wings...

...for their turn to be studied and admired!

The socks of a real man!

but, for now, it is the socks of a real woman that the slave must study... he humbly tastes her shoeleather!

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