My erudite and attractive mistress works on her laptop in the coffee shop whilst I, her ignorant and ugly footservant, lie beneath her chair studying the backs of her black bootsock-tops.
Anyone can see she is better and cleverer than me.
Dutifully studying the backs of my mistress's socks in the coffee shop |
Only a tiny slither of sock is visible beneath her trouser legs |
But, by Law, I must nevertheless focus on her sock, as she has ordered me to do so and her word is Law! |
I study the stitching in the black sock, even though not enough of the sock is visible to afford me a fulsome view of the glorious patterns in the stitching! |
I nevertheless know these socks very well, being my pretty and erudite mistress's personal footservant |
besides, she knows my ignorant brain is not capable of thinking about her socks in all their complexities |
The basic structure of the sock, and the burning sting of her WHIP, are all my menial mind can comprehend! |
I therefore look up to her socks (and her WHIP!) with slavish awe and wonderment |
But her WHIP is currently resting at home; I must therefore concentrate, right now, solely on her socks! |
Her socks are my gods! |
Even the boots of other women passing by in the coffee shop don't distract me from studying the backs of my own mistress's socks |
A brain monitor inside my menial mask will alert my mistress if my mind strays, even for a split second, from her socks! |
I must therefore keep myself wholly onto her socks, as befits a loyal, and frightened, personal footservant! |
Meanwhile, she is working on some complicated project which is, literally, over my humble head! |
As I said, the sheer complexity of her socks is sufficient to overwhelm my puny brain! |
Like, how do her metal boot-zippers interact with her socks? |
Oh to be one of those zippers - so intimately close to her sock! |
Note that I do NOT dare think about my mistress's bare leg above her sock! |
I am not worthy to think of her above the sock! |
And besides, the mask covering my face would alert her to my ignorant thoughts above my lowly station! |
No, my SOLE focus is on her socks! |
Her socks, her socks, her socks!...Her socks, and nothing but her SOCKS! |