Oh How Humbling!

Oh how humbling for the toepath footslave - to have to kiss a beautiful young woman's sneakered feet, and stare her in the sock!

She approaches him nonchalantly and without a care in the world

That's because she is a superior female, living in the Gynarchy!

The slave is apprehensive as she approaches. Will she hurt him, or simply humble him?

Her sneakers stop directly in front of him, as if pondering their next move

The right sneaker decides to move forwards towards his menial mouth...

...for respect-kissing!

It is swiftly followed by the left sneaker!

Meanwhile, the pretty, hoodied wearer of the sneakers continues to enjoy her cigarette high above the humbled slave

She doesn't give a damn about how humbled he feels!

She wants her sneakers to be kiss-respected by the slave, so kiss-respected they shall be!

One meagre compensation for the wretched slave is that he gets a nice view of her white socks!

It is an honour for the likes of him to be so close to a beautiful young woman's socks whilst she is wearing them on her feet inside her sneakers...

...a humbling honour!

He takes full advantage of his weak and lowly position to really study his 'customer's' socks...

...the vertical lines of stitching...

...and the curvature of the sock over her shapely, feminine anklebones!

For her haughty part, she merely flicks her hot cigarette ash down onto the top of the slave's bald, humbled head...

...before leaving him to rot!

Like we said, she has not a care in the world...

...least of all the fate of the public humble-head slave!

He is there to be humbled...

...and successfully humbled he has been...

...by her!

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