
A frightening customer-mistress threatens me with a rusty, metal spike if I fail to show sufficient humility towards her sneakers. Fortunately, I'm very good at being humble in the face of young women's sneakers!

A threatening-looking young woman approaches me with a nasty-looking metal spike in her female hand

She begins by asking me how I am liking it... 

...having to kiss the feet of passers-by?

I humbly respond that I am liking it, but not that much madam, begging her female pardon and understanding, miss?

The sneakers and socks I must address as I humbly respond to the customer-mistress's kind question

She crouches down to show me her spike!

She gaily informs me that she shan't hesitate to hurt me with it if I fail to show sufficient respect for her feet and sneakers!

She goes on to point out who weak and vulnerable I am, and at her female mercy!

I seek to assure the spikey mistress-madam that I shall endeavour to show the utmost respect for her feet and footwear, and humbly beg her not to hurt me!

She then stands up again and puts my humility to the test, raising her sneakered foot onto the stone ledge beneath my confined face...

...swiftly followed by her other foot!

I kiss the sneakers with all the slavish humility I can muster...which is a lot!

I remain acutely aware of the threatening spike...

...and its would-be user!

MUST kiss sneakers. On the dirtiest parts. MUST show humility! Otherwise this young woman will HURT me!


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