Waiting Game

Being a public footslave is often a bit of a waiting game - waiting for your next customer to step up to your face; waiting for their orders (to kiss or to lick their footwear); waiting to see whether they will kick you in the face etc.

Here you see a free man waiting perilously close to my face for his wife to emerge from the public lavatories. I must remain alert and ready to kiss his feet, should he decide to impose them upon me, as he is the chosen consort of a female, and thus worthy of my slavish respect pending the arrival of said female consort on the scene.

But the master-sir chooses not to use me, instead politely taking a step back for his pretty wife to step up to my face as soon as she exits the lavatory. Needless to say, I kiss her feet with alacrity and humility, as she is a first-class citizen of the Gynarchy, being female!

A master-sir, standing perilously close to my face as he awaits his wife

I have nothing but slavish respect for the master-sir's feet, and will kiss them if so required...

...as they are the feet of a superior free man who is the chosen consort of a woman

Meanwhile, the aforementioned woman emerges from the public restroom

She greets her husband and apologises for her tardiness, thereby demonstrating her female love and respect for him!

She then publicly displays her contempt for me by having me kiss her feet!

I humbly, and fearfully, kiss her outstretched sneaker, whilst keeping my lowly eyes on her sock

It is always a nerve-wracking experience for a slave to have to kiss the feet of a woman in front of her male partner

For the master-sir will likely beat me to a pulp if I fail to please his pretty wife!

I therefore seek to convey the utmost respect for the lady's feet and footwear via my lowly lips

She deftly switches her sneakered feet in front of my face

The couple watch me, stony-faced and unsympathetically, as I perform my ritualistic, public duty towards the pretty customer-mistress's feet

I'm garbage - the dirt at their feet - and they both know it!

That's why the young woman switches her feet several times in front of my face...

...giving me close-up views of both her socks...

...close enough to be able to make out the individual stitches in the superior socks!

Meanwhile, I remain acutely aware of the watching master-sir's feet...

...the feet of a man who has the love and admiration of a woman

She would never impose her dirty sneakers on his manly mouth!

Satisfied, the couple turn to leave

I keep my humble head bowed and suitably low in their superior presence...

...as the next happy couple approach me!


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