Frosty Photo Op

On a cold and frosty evening in the town square, a group of young people take advantage of a hapless and shivering prisoner-slave in the stocks to have a pleasing photo opportunity.

Everyone present is very much enjoying the frosty photo opportunity - apart from the slave, of course!

For him it is a truly humbling experience - having his head trapped in between a young woman's socked ankles!

All he can see, feel and hear - is sock...and all he can smell - is female shoeleather!

...the shoes and socks of his better!

Meanwhile a nerdy master-sir delights in pointing out the prisoner-slave's humiliation to his own pretty girlfriend!

The nerdy master-sir's shoes and socks

The nerdy master-sir's girlfriend's boots!

And standing behind the slave - with a whip - is the stocks-supervisor master sir

His job is to whip the prisoner-slave if he displays even the slightest resentment towards the young woman currently standing over him and having her photo taken by her handsome boyfriend!

The stocks-supervisor master sir is certainly ready and willing to wield the whip!

Meanwhile, in the distance stands a Gynarchy magistrate master-sir - jubilant at the public's participation in the prisoner-slave's punishment and humiliation!

And yet further along the balcony overlooking the town square is a smiling local resident, Ms Mukta madam

Ms Mukta's frosty (and dirty) boots!

The laughing face of the beautiful young woman standing over the slave's humble head

He truly is subject to the reality of her soft sock digging into his bald temple, and the threat of his supervisor-master's harsh whip hovering over his bare back!

I reckon the prisoner-slave fool must be able to feel the creases in his pretty tormentress's laughing sock?

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