Wishful Thinking

Oh how the slave wishes he could study his pretty mistress's socktops, high above her boots! But it's purely wishful thinking on his humble part - for he has no chance of studying her socks from his lowly vantage point beneath her chair. The best he can hope for is to study the scuffmarked heels of her brown leather kneeboots, and to imagine her black socks inside her boots!

Ironically, if he was really intent on studying socks, he could humbly focus on the socktops of his mistress's macho boyfriend who is seated opposite her at the coffee table. But the selfish slave prefers to simply imagine his mistress's socks - perhaps understandably so, given that he is their slave!

The slave is in the somewhat unenviable position of having to study the backs of his mistress's boots

He would much rather be studying her black, thigh-length socks!

Not her bare legs above the socks, mind you - but only the socks themselves!

That's because his pretty mistress has made him the slave of her socks!

But, for now, the stupid, ignorant fool is reduced to imagining the sight of her socks inside her boots!

All he can actually see is the scuffmarked leather of her creased boot-heels!

It's still a sight worthy of a footslave's lowly vista!

He could, if he was so inclined, study his master's socks (i.e. the socks of his mistress's handsome boyfriend seated opposite her!)

But the slave is nothing if not loyal to his pretty mistress and her socks!

In fact, he wouldn't dream of focussing his slavish attention away from her boots and socks!

Quite apart from anything, she would most probably have him severely whipped if he dared to look her boyfriend in the socks!

No, the slave must simply accept that, for now, he must be resolutely focussed on the backs of his mistress's boots...

...whilst contemplating her socks both high above him...

...and inside the boots!

A slave's-eye view of his betters' footwear


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