Her Pet Crab

My pretty mistress sometimes refers to me as her 'pet crab', as I must crawl next to her on all fours at all times and study, or serve, her feet - although I think I look more 'feline' than 'crustacean' when I am wearing my lurid, green footfool mask!

Studying my mistress's socks whilst she is seated at the living room table messaging her boyfriend on her computer

My lurid, green footfool mask (her choice) makes me look feline, although she prefers to call me her 'pet crab', since I must follow her everywhere on all fours - a bit like a crab!

Be I a pet crab or a pet cat, I must diligently and faithfully study my mistress's socks...

...and especially her socked heels, taking advantage of the backless mules she is currently wearing

This is an area of sock I don't often get to see on her foot, as it is normally hidden by shoe or boot

I admire the shapeliness of my pretty mistress's heels and ankles...

...as well as the stretched patterns in the sock stitching!

Just think - these feet and socks are my life. They own me. They are my masters!

Meanwhile, the pretty wearer of the mules and socks is engrossed high above me in her instant messaging conversation with her beloved boyfriend

She misses him greatly, and wishes he was here with her in the flesh, as her 'pet crab' is no substitute for proper, human company!

All I can do is gently rub her socked feet, if she so requires it!

But for now, she doesn't wish to be disturbed - not whilst her boyfriend is chatting to her online!

My slave's-eye view of my mistress's socked ankles...

...and heel!

Purrr... (I don't know what noises contented crabs make!)

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