African Village Respect

In The African Gynarchy, the villagers queue to have their feet kiss-respected by the stockaded slave

An African mistress has her sandalled feet kiss-respected by a lowly slave in the village stocks

She is wearing a traditional African tribal mask...

...primarily to conceal her glee!

There is no disguising, however, the feetkissing slave's humiliation!

His lowly, confined lips must touch the African mistress's bare toeskin as well as her musty-smelling sandal leather...

...and all beneath the hem of her long, African dress

He is not worthy to look at, or even to think of her, above the ankles!

Meanwhile, an African master-sir waits patiently in line for his African sandals and feet to be kissed

He knows he is better than the slave and worthy of the slave's cringing respect

Note the sore-looking stripes on the stockaded slave's back...

...stripes engendered, no doubt, by the WHIP hanging from the nearby cordyline tree!

Haha, no wonder the slave kisses the villagers' feet with such humility and devotion. The WHIP can be a great encourager of humility in a slave!


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