
A master-sir makes his house slave perform the humiliating act of murga in front of his pretty girlfriend

The master-sir makes me kneel next to his pretty girlfriend's feet as he relaxes with her on the sofa

I am only permitted to look at her shoes and feet

Such shapely ankles...

...and stylish shoes!

What an honour it is for the likes of me to even breathe in the same air as my master's girlfriend's shoes!

The mistress laughs at me...

...and asks my master to order me into the humiliating murga stress position

Master-sir duly indulges her and brusquely orders me to adopt the murga stance

The couple then watch TV as I suffer the punishment of the murga beside them

My limbs ache

And I start to feel dizzy

But the happy couple are oblivious to my silent suffering

And rightly so. I'm just a slave. Why should they care about me?

Oh how I wish I could study the pretty mistress's shoes again

Even kneeling at the master's feet would be preferrable to the murga!

I expect they are getting a good view of my whipped back from the sofa?

At the end of the evening the couple embrace

The master-sir kindly orders me to come out of the murga position, get down on my hands and knees and kiss his girlfriend's feet

I humbly, and gratefully, obey

This is a welcome relief from the pain of the murga position!

Once again, I hear mistress laughing at me... I kiss-respect her feet


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