Good At Her Job

This beautiful taskmistress not only loves her job keeping the Gynarchy galley-slaves in check, she is also extremely good at it, getting the most strain and effort out of them –  even the old, decrepit ones – thanks to her undoubted skill and dexterity with the WHIP!

This girl is good at her job!

Observe how cowered the galley-slaves are by her WHIP!

AND her boots and socks - further symbols of her female authority!

I'll wager those boots have been kiss-respected many times by her charges...

...and her socks looked up to and admired!
But, of course, it is the WHIP that is the ultimate enforcer of her authority...

...and her firm grasp of that WHIP!


The old slave man is, rightly, afraid, for the taskmistress's WHIP is once again threatening his BACK!

He kisses the taskmistress's boot - as a demonstration of his submission to her power and authority

The taskmistress likes having her boots kissed

It reminds her of her superiority over the slaves!

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