Cackling Intent

An elderly master-sir addresses me with malevolent, cackling intent just after I have been required by a smart young woman to kiss-respect her shoes. The malicious man asks me how I had liked it – having to look at a girl’s argyle-patterned sock on her ankle whilst I ‘lowly-lipped’ her shiny, purple shoeleather? He asks me if I don’t feel shame at my lowliness and powerlessness before pointing out that his own shoes could do with a lick and a shine!

I praise and bless the master-sir and thank him for granting me a humbling taste of his shoeleather whilst he cackles and hehe’s above me.

An elderly voyeur master-sir cackles in the background whilst I must kiss-respect the shoes of a bright and beautiful young woman

I particularly admire her argyle-patterned socks

Her shoe/sock combination is truly impressive!

Meanwhile the cackling master-sir can hardly contain his pleasure at witnessing my humiliation at the young woman's feet

Not for him the humbling view of her argyle-patterned sock stitches!

Not for him the demeaning taste of feminine shoeleather!

Not for him the look of contempt writ large on the bright young woman's face!

How he un-envies me!

Indeed, his own foot points towards me with contempt - mirroring the foot and shoe of the young woman

Truly I am surrounded by the feet of my betters!

The young woman continues on her way...

...whilst the cackling, chortling master-sir crouches down to my confined face and flicks his bony old fingers against my feckless forehead

Oh how the master-sir mocks me, asking me if I had admired my customer's socks whilst 'lowly-lipping' her shoes...

...much to the young woman's amusement as she overhears the taunting and mockery directed towards me behind her

The master flicks my forehead disparagingly several times... he continues to mock, berate and belittle me!

Truly I am at the elderly master-sir's mercy... he ably demonstrates by having me lickshine his shoes!

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