
Showing posts from August, 2024

A Slave's Gratitude

A contrite and penitent, elderly male slave kisses his brutish master’s boots and thanks him for whipping him. Meanwhile a bright and beautiful young woman watches the whipped slave’s self-abasement at his master’s booted feet with undisguised glee! Contrite and penitent Kissing his master's boots... gratitude for his sore whipping All the slave can smell and taste is musty brown bootleather... ...whilst his recently whipped back continues to smart and sting The WHIP that has caused the slave's abject penitence The WHIP, I say! The WHIP! Meanwhile a young woman, impressed by the whipper, looks on The female sneakers and socks the penitent slave would much rather be grovelling over! Oh how humbling! Oh how humiliating for the slave! To have to kiss another man's boots in the presence of a young woman's sneakers and socks! but it is the BOOTS that must be kissed... ...since they hold the WHIPHAND! The young woman congratulates the slave's master And the woman an

Keep Your Eyes Low, Slave!

‘Keep your eyes low, slave! Do NOT look at me above my red socktops while you're kissing my feet!’ 'Yes, pretty mistress. I hear and obey you, pretty mistress madam and your socks!' Just because a lady’s socks are ultra-short, it still doesn’t mean I have the right to look at her above the socks. I must simply lower my gaze even further, as this pretty customer-mistress points out to me. ‘Keep your eyes low, slave!...  ...Do NOT look at me above my red socktops while you're kissing my feet!’ 'Yes, pretty mistress. I hear and obey you, pretty mistress madam and your socks!' The pretty customer-mistress is only reiterating the Law... ...which states that a public humble head must never look at a customer mistress or master above their socks I only know the mistress is pretty because her socks are pretty It's her pretty socks that must be the focus of my lowly eyes' slavish attention... ...whilst my lowly lips pay homage to her sneaker toes BOTH of them! T

Should Be Grateful For

One of the things – perhaps the only thing – a public humble-head slave should be grateful for, is that he gets to observe his customers’ socks close up whilst he is kissing their feet i.e. The creases in their socks The weave of their socks Any dirt or dust stains on their socks Any aroma emanating from their socks A slave must always be grateful for such small mercies. After all, his customers’ socks are his life! A mighty master-sir is using my public humble-head services As I kiss his feet, I have the inestimable honour of viewing his socks at ultra-close quarters My humbling, not to say humiliating, view of the magnificent customer-master's sock I can observe the weave of his white sock... his mighty, manly foot is extended towards my menial mouth When he switches feet in front of my face, I get to see his other, matching sock! The sock of a REAL man! I dare not look up at the mighty master-sir above his socks He is too good for me to do so Though he, of cours