Sentenced To The Stocks!

The all-powerful Gynarchy magistrate master-sir looks down from on high upon the penitent, kneeling slave before him as he passes sentence:

‘Slave, I hereby sentence you to 4 weeks in the stocks, that you may be mocked and tormented by the general populace and suffer at their mercy. May you be forced to kiss their feet and study their socks and may all treat you with the righteous contempt you so richly deserve!... Gaoler, take him away!’

The public gallery erupts in cheers!

Shortly afterwards, the slave begins his humiliating sentence in the town square

Here we see him having to not only 'study' the socks of a member of the public, but kiss their socks!

That's because the bright young woman is wearing socks with sandals!

Oh how humbling, oh how humiliating for the slave...

...having to feel the young woman's toenails beneath the surface of her sock!

And all under the threat of the gaoler's WHIP!

No wonder the slave is obediently kissing...

...and studying sock

The sock of his better!

Do you think his sock-sensitive, lowly lips can feel the individual lines of soft cotton stitching in the sock?

Also what can he smell - foot? Toes? Socks? Sandal leather? All four of the above?

He must certainly be able to make out the pattern in the stitching of the white sock!

Meanwhile, the elderly magistrate master-sir who put him in such an ignominious position appears to be more focussed on the young woman's breasts! But then, why shouldn't he be? He is, after all, a real man!

We see regular slave-tormentress Ms Mukta madam enjoying a day out at the public stocks

I'll wager those sneakers and socks will soon require to be kissed and admired by the prisoner-slave in the stocks...

...if, indeed, they haven't been already!

But, for now, the hapless, lowly slave must concentrate on the socks in front of him!

Oh what an ignominious position to be in!

To have to stare at another human being's sock whilst kissing it...

...albeit the sock of a superior human being - a young woman!

Haha - everyone is having fun; apart from the slave. Just as it should be!

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